Friday, March 23, 2012

the beast inside

April 4, 2009

tell you what, there’s a beast in me
i bet you’re not aware of
i’m silent yes i am
gets offended and violated just as most of us
silence does not always mean fine
especially when i’m not my silent self
the kind of silence you’re not used to
when that occurs
step back and cease whatever it is you’re doing
for this beast in me abhors you and what you fucking do
and it takes an enormous fuck up, yours, recurring faults
to piss the beast inside and i won’t feel sorry
we all have beasts in us, but mine is leashed rather  tightly
you don’t even know it’s there
yet watch your words, your actions even closely
its straps as thick as patience
stretch the straps too far with your mindless exploitation
i’d free the leash myself
this beast in me, you don’t want pissed
i myself don’t like it either
one time you bumped into it, you stumbled
now you have a clue, when the beast is stirred
and the leash is  loose, shut up
your fault i doubt within your grasp
you never seem to learn
dont fucking play the shithead
your every fuck up counted, the beast never forgets
just waiting for the time
for the sweetest retribution

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