Friday, March 23, 2012

fresh start

April 5, 2008
sometimes an awful and brutal attack on one’s impropriety and wrongdoing is necessary to shake one up and raise awareness–that something’s wrong and has to be distinguished and straightened out. if done constructively, it could lead to one’s sudden realization of what should’ve been done or not done to get agreeable responses or positive outcome. this is the most ideal consequence one could ever get out of a straight-forward no holds barred bull session. although this may always not be the case, as this kind of feedback exchange could easily go out of hand. a talk to settle differences could end up sour, it could turn into heated arguments and mud-slinging widening the gap all the more.
however, once done in a refined and civilized manner these talks could reap overwhelming and heartwarming results. this outcome depends on the actions and reactions of the individuals involved.
realization of one’s misdeeds and shortcomings is the first and sometimes the hardest step to take in paving the way to settle conflicts and differences. Acceptance is the next step to reconcillation, having realized the things that are making one less worthy and acceptable to others. and finally, taking steps to change for the better completes the transformation.
any hate, contempt or unpleasant feeling towards one another will be gradually replaced with respect, recognition, good will and more. oftentimes this is where hatchets are burried and friendships renewed.
what a great feeling it would be if what started out as a vent-out session would end up well and this is only possible if the players are open to change and are ready to be humbled.

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