Friday, March 23, 2012

cee zees

May 5, 2009
comfort zones, i am amazed by how this concept influences so  much a person’s actions and  emotions. a mere human perception  yet holds undeniable influence, if not control, over one’s life. not a  psycho-freak (psychology that is) but i suppose one’s confidence  is proportional to the expanse of one’s comfort zone. one’s  ability to cope up with the changes surrounding him and the  capability to face them head on is one way of expanding these  so-called borders. easier said than done i guess. if only comforts  zones are as flexible as adjusting the size of a circle in microsoft paint. i have my comfort zones too, and it’s a constant challenge of  broadening them each time a new trial is faced, unfamiliar grounds reached or huge changes taking place that needs getting used to. i  bet there’s a ton of books, papers, magazines, blogs, references  that in one way or another offer tips and ways of addressing  jitters brought about by these so-called comfort zones. but come  to think of it, if these zones are mere perceptions, and if  perceptions are but products of the human mind, why not just  forget it as though it does not exist. so no more comfort zones bordering ones’ confidence and ones’ doubts. so there’s no more  referencing as to how far a person’s ability could stretch when  facing challenges or conquering fears. most importantly,  there’s no telling how great one’s potential could be as there is no  border, even imaginary, to consider. there’s no limit. of course it  not that easy. if the concept of comfort zone is wiped out from the archive of human cognizance, another psychology nut will just step up and say “hey i feel an unexplainable kind of uneasiness  today and i dont know what to call it…” and will later come up with another nifty term that is synonymous to comfort zones.  comfort  zones, although a mere perception, is as real, as tangible and acceptable as the human concept of change and undeniably a  part of the daily hustle and bustle of human life.

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