Friday, March 23, 2012


July 24, 2008

it struck me as odd, the way of thinking of egomaniacs. haven’t met one before, only now. so i’m not sure if this person falls under its definition. one online thesaurus refers to it as “an attitude of self-conceited arrogance”, “one having an exaggerated sense of self-importance”, “a conceited fool”,  nice definition huh? well he is all that so yeah he’s, without a doubt, an egomaniac.
i see him as someone who’d approach you from behind when you’re busy doing your stuff, then a quick tap on your shoulder to get your attention, and when you turn to face him you see that grin–you  know the type of grin you see from a mischievous child or a terrorist in a cartoon show before pressing the detonator–and after successfully disturbing and or annoying you he’ll drop the bomb…would you please rub my ego, it’s itching. just say i’m good, say i’m cool, let me know i’m great, let me feel a lot of people depends on me, say i’m important, please, please, at least let me know that you need me just like everyone else who depends on me and the influence i have. say i’m a must to your professional existence and i’ll feel better. what a loser. sounds like a megalomanic egomaniac to me. poor thing, when will he ever realize that he’s being used by his “ego-scratching parasites”–whom he finds relief in times of ego-itchings, which is most of the time–just to get by comfortably from the work pressure all around, all under the refuge of this megalomanic egomaniac. i imagine a familiar scene from a classic Pinoy Movie where one plays the antagonist with all his “mga bata”. hahaha! i always get a good laugh just imagining. but seriously, all it needs is a little ego rubbing and stroking to share the comforts his “mga bata” are getting. inviting. and pathetic. as for me, unless he licks my shit, no freakin way i’m rubbing this swell-head’s gigantic ego.

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