Friday, March 23, 2012

bus ride

    i was on a bus reading a Diehl’s riding my way home when you stepped in, intruded on my solitude and sat next to me.
   you–barrel chested, pot-bellied, dark mustachioed guy, looking through droopy eyes on a blue shirt two sizes too small–made  us a snug fit into that two seater, but i’m cool man. until you started dozing off and your heavy shoulder picking up weight as your body slowly leaning dangerously towards me threatening to crush me without you even knowing.
   and i jerked, and you tensed stunned by the sudden movement, looked around to find me semi-squashed. and you adjusted your seat almost apologetically but i’m cool man.
   until you started doping off again and your huge body closing in, damn i swear it’s dejavu and i felt your weight again on my shoulder as if laboriously pulled by an unseen force and then there came the mischievous jerk. and you stiffened, almost panicky, pulled back to reality, immedialtely adjusting your seat as  i was holding back a chuckle. damn you amuse me, we could do it all day. you droop, you lean, i jerk, you regidify, i chuckle and you doze off again. the cycle went on for five or six timesuntil play time is over and i had to step off the bus.

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