Friday, March 23, 2012


September 22, 2007
A fledgling, a weakling who only wants to fly
Even vultures were once some fledglings before they learn to prey
And eagles were once some weaklings before they lord the skies
But birdie wants no hunting, nor conquer the sky to rule
This poor-tinnie-jerky damn-birdie-loser just wanna soar damn high
Spread your wings poor weakling, just like some birdies do
Save the ostrich and the penguins, they’ve got some ass to mind
But you ain’t no weighty, no you ain’t no heavy, remove your balls you’ll float
And with all the semblance of a damn good birdie, the best you could do is flutter
Jeez you birdie damn poor jerky, a shame on all of featherhood
All birds are cocky, all birds are gutsy even chicks got balls of nerves
But you poor birdie whose knees are shaky so scared to leap and fly
Perhaps you are bothered if you fail to remember to flap your wings and glide
You’ll end up falling head straight to the gravel, what a shameful feat to bear
All birds would gather and spread your boo-boo—poor birdie unlearned to fly
But hey you were  reared a weakling, in constant fine feather shade
A hatchling laid with a silver worm, but damn with a heart so frail
The weakest of spirit, the dimmest of will, fed by shouts of failure
No cage confining, no string restraining but damn as free as a captive
Oh damn poor birdie someday you’ll soar the skies…
 A ton of doubt, a pound of sigh

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