Friday, March 23, 2012

day 10: spams

September 13, 2008

hey daba!
    i was checking my yahoomail couple of days ago to see if i’ve had new messages, updates from friendster and to check if there were interesting positions available at jobstreet, i’m getting them periodically he3! not that i’m looking for a new job. we’ll perhaps it might come in handy in the future so i cared to check anyway.
   personal messages, friendster updates, jobstreet emails were the usual stuff cluttering my yahoomail which is OK, until i had this mistake, i can’t even remember how it happened, when i started receiving annoying emails from Fanbox (this is different from the fraudster soliciting help for an easy money). at first i was getting messages with the subject “username” wants to be your loyal fan, i was intrigued i mean who the heck  am i to have someone send me a message with that on subject line.  then it kept on coming, was getting average of 5 per day, some asking absurd questions like “do you want to kiss a boy?” then there was an answer box saying yes or no, i knew right away they were spam messages and were not actually sent by live, just bored, human beings. same questions were even asked by different users time and again. then there were messages saying a user wanted to send me a kiss, or a hug, or wanted to say hi, or send pictures. it was annoying that i checked over the web, see if i could dig something about Fanbox. turned out that i was not alone. a lot were complaining asking how to stop the spam or get their accounts cancelled. i didnt bother to close mine, i didnt know my password (which was needed for cancellation) and i didnt have the time and the patience to find out.
   so i just got used to getting messages from users proclaiming they wanted to be my loyal fan, or asking stupid questions or sending pics and flowers and chocolates, one even said BOB_BARR_08 wants to kiss you on Fanbox whatthaf*ck! ha3!
   couple of days ago i opened my yahoomail, for the first time in million years i was thrilled getting a message from Fanbox with the subject: Ma. Christina is sending you a Delicious Drink. damn! like a 16-yr old boy who still believed in Santa Clause despite catching his father donning the ridiculous costume–i opened the link. well, same old non-sense shit. i remembered getting the same message several weeks ago. but i admit, i fell for that for a moment. next day i received another message, same user name, this time it says Ma. Christina wants to kiss you on Fanbox. i know, it was the same faggot message i got from a BOB_BARR, but it somehow felt good getting the same message with your name on it he3! 
   i’m still getting spam messages from that wicked Fanbox and i’ve developed enough tolerance not to get pissed or annoyed by it anymore. it was just funny that during those times when their messages are nothin but non-sense shit to me, there was this one message that swept me away and even fooled me into believing that it was real despite all logic and experience suggested it was not. made me wonder, was Fanbox a non-sense spammer or did you really send those drinks and kisses? hmmm, you tell me.
   nah i’m not that naive, he3! i know its a spam but i’m not closing the account, i’d rather ignore it–just like i would so choose to exercise than to wake up early. if you know what i mean. he3!
   it’s 8:47am saturday! yahoooo! dont know yet what my weekend trip would be. i’ll tell you on my next post. he3! juwalah su! Ciao!

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