Friday, March 23, 2012


October 21, 2008

  what’s with taciturn? perhaps you’re wondering why of all the catchy or cool or unique blog names one could ever come up with i chose taciturn. i got it from an activity i and some of my colleagues participated in from my previous company. it’s called back stabbing. eerie. but it’s actually cool, all of us scotch taped a sheet of paper on our backs and the idea is to write comments or impressions or whatever it is you want on each other’s back until all are able to write on each one’s paper. it’s fun ’cause you could write anything, from first impressions to  criticisms to confessions of love, anything and it’s exciting because everyone could hardly trace who wrote which and who stabbed who. and when all are done you get to read what’s written, what other thinks of you. i got all sorts of comments but what baffled me is this one comment that writes “taciturn”, not because i find it hard to accept that one sees me as that but because i simply dont know the meaning of the damn word hehehe!
 for those few who are as perplexed as i was with the word, it’s an adjective which means habitually untalkative. it’s a perfect definition of me, at least to those  who dont know me so well. i’m a silent person, one who would choose to listen than to talk, an observer of character and personality. i believe all of us has his or her own defensive wall, a facade we readily flaunt for others to see. a front of traits and features, a projection of what we want others to see and perceive of us. first impressions will stay impressions unless you peek through these facades or breach the walls to see the genuine person hiding behind. one who’s real, without pretentions.
   mostly, the more a person talks–particularly one who is eager to open up and readily share their life’s book–the easier it is to undo his facade and break the walls he put up. uninterestingly, however, after all the unraveling, sometimes you find nothing but an empty shell.
   personally, i find someone who listens more than she talks more appealing. oftentimes, beneath one’s silence is an enigma waiting to surprise you. these people are the ones that impress me more, the ones that i would choose to talk with for long hours, at the end of the day, after all the talks and conversations, usually they are the ones that make the deeper sense.
  taciturn, that’s my facade, my defensive wall and using a reserved and silent person as a basis, a more fortified wall to breach. so if you find me a silent, taciturn person, you are just but acquainted with the person i want you and all others to see. a front, superficial. if you stay and have the yearning to uncover the enigma that is me. if at all you succeed and see the real me dont be surprised if you find…an empty shell. gotcha! semi-truth, semi-bullsh*t he3!

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