Friday, March 23, 2012

Vampire novels

October 11, 2008


   i finished reading LA Bank’s The Awakening. it’s a story of  a band vocalist Damali Richards, whose passion for light (inspirational) music is as intense as her desire to dust rogue vamps. she’s an invaluable asset to the side of light, a seasoned vampire huntress and a Neteru who is a personification of hope and faith to the believers. but the side of light gets apprehensive as her birthday nears, it’s when, literally, all hell threatens to break loose as a window of opportunity for a master vamp opens on Damali’s birthday where she, the Neteru, is most vulnerable as she loses her keen senses and her immunity to vamp nicks. all guardians and heads of Faith, and warrior angels aid to protect her from an unimaginable catastrophy that could happen at the dawn of her birthday concert.  the side of light’s worst fear could come true, should the dark side succeed there is no stopping the Neteru from brooding the first of daywalkers.
   new concepts were introduced, like the assembly of 12 heads of faith, the impressive depiction of 7 levels of hell and one thing that boldly defied a classic representation of a vampire feed–canibalistic eating of a dead body. but the book lacks “action”, superb fights expected of a vamp huntress. makes me want to choose Christine Feehan’s Dark Prince over it. i’ts another vampire book and a page turner, more sensous and exotic with heart pounding vamp actions to boot.
   of course nothing beats Anne Rice’ classic vamp chronicles, the nasty lestat and all. i take it as the grand reference of other writers wanting to start their own attempt at a vamp story. still nothing compares to an Anne Rice.
    i started reading William Diehls’s Primal fear, see how it compares to the film adaptation. nah, not a vamp story but a more interesting one. 

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